Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sesame Chicken Drumettes

1/3 cup teryaki sauce
1 1/2 tbs dry sherry
1 1/2 tbs toasted sesame seeds
1 1/4 lbs chicken drumettes
1 1/2 tbs barbecue sauce
1 1/2 tbs honey
1/4 tsp oriental sesame oil

1. In a large reseable plastic bag , combine teriyaki sauce, sherry, and sesame seeds. Add chicken drumettes, turning to coat. Seal bag and refrigerate at least 30 mintues or up to a day.

2. Preheat oven to 400'. Line a cookie sheet with foil Using tongs, transfer drumettes to cookie sheet. Discard marinatde. Bake until drumettes are golden brown, about 15 mintues.

3. Mix barbecue sauce, honey and sesame oil in a small bowl. Brush drumettes with honey mixture and bake 5 mintues. Turn drumettes and brush with honey mixture and bake 5 minutes longer.

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